Answers to Our Top FAQs of 2022

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You’ve got questions and we’ve got answers. 

The complexities of environmental and compliance processes can be difficult to understand. From the varied aspects of Assessment, Remediation, and Monitoring (ARM) services to the bevy of federal and local environmental legislations, the complexities of these topics can be overwhelming. Cameron-Cole is taking you through our most frequently asked questions to help you better understand these popular concepts. 

What are PFAS? 

Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of widely used man-made chemicals with components that break down very slowly over time. Available data indicates that PFAS could pose serious health risks to communities and their residents. These chemicals eventually accumulate in animals, people, and the environment over extended periods of time, creating potential risks to human health and the environment. Find out more about PFAS here

What is Mandatory GHG Reporting?

It is increasingly common for organizations to report their greenhouse (GHG) gas emissions, and often reporting is necessitated by regulations set by local municipalities. Learn more about some common Mandatory GHG Reporting programs here.

What are Oregon's New Mandatory GHG Reporting Requirements?

The Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) approved Oregon's original greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting rules in 2008. These rules were updated in 2020, making these requirements mandatory for Oregon facilities, and requiring third party verification. Catch up on important deadlines for this program here


Cameron-Cole, an ADEC Innovation, specializes in assisting our clients with complex environmental liabilities. Keep up with the latest updates and trends by following us on LinkedIn.

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Operating with significant environmental liabilities and risks presents a constant potential for complications to arise. Don't let these dilemmas hinder your organization. Cameron-Cole's environmental experts are trained to craft solutions that reduce your risks while keeping your projects on track.