Aerospace Manufacturer VOC Groundwater Cleanup


Aerospace Manufacturer VOC Groundwater Cleanup

This aerospace manufacturer operated a machine shop at this location from 1964 through 1992. During site closure activities in 1992, it was discovered that two sumps and associated piping had released Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) to subsurface soil and groundwater over an approximately 250 square foot area. In response to this finding, impacted soils were excavated to a depth of 14 feet below ground surface. However, removal of all impacted soil was not possible due to proximity to the building walls. A groundwater extraction system was installed to prevent migration of VOC impacted groundwater originating at the client property to down-gradient properties. This interim remedial measure was selected as the final remedy for the site in the remedial action plan, completed in 1994. Cameron-Cole has been responsible for the operation and maintenance of this groundwater extraction system and all site groundwater monitoring and reporting since 2001. In 2008, an assessment of vapor intrusion potential for the site was conducted to determine if the VOC impacted soil that was left in place could potentially pose a health risk to current building tenants. This assessment identified the presence of elevated soil gas VOC concentrations while indoor air concentrations were below levels of concern. The client subsequently asked Cameron-Cole to perform a feasibility study to identify additional remedial measures to reduce the anticipated time to achieve groundwater cleanup objectives and address the residual soil and soil gas concentrations present beneath the building.