Aerospace Sustainability Services


Aerospace Sustainability Services

Cameron-Cole provided consulting services to the corporate Energy, Environment, Safety, and Health (EESH) function. We assisted with the preparation of the company’s EESH public report and arranged and facilitated a benchmark of environmental best practices with a leading automotive manufacturer, and of safety and health best practices with a global aluminum producer. Cameron-Cole facilitated the development of the company’s sustainability strategy, culminating in the establishment of new and leading environmental performance goals in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing waste to landfills, and conserving water. These long-term goals are supplemented with annual targets on energy efficiency, waste reduction, green building, improving environmental management systems, and identifying substances of concern. Recently, we benchmarked leading companies’ sustainability goals to assist the EESH function with developing broader sustainability goals beyond greenhouse gas emissions, waste, and water. Over the past several years we have worked with the global supply chain management function to design a procurement program that involves both greening the company’s buying practices and working with suppliers to find ways to help the company meet its long-term sustainability goals. We drafted a mission statement for the greening of the supply chain working group and benchmarked competitors’ and leaders’ programs. We assisted with the design and rollout of a green purchasing guideline, which includes product specifications and tracking metrics to measure the success of the program. We also assisted with the development of a packaging guideline that the company uses to engage with its suppliers to reduce incoming packaging and developed an action plan for greening the supply chain activities to track and measure progress on internal and external communication of the program, packaging reductions, and supplier engagement. Finally, we led a three-day cross-corporate strategy session to develop a master plan for a Sustainable Supply Chain Management program. The results of this session were presented to upper management and the company is in the process of implementing key portions of the plan.