Identifying Well Locations for PFAS Plumes


Identifying Well Locations for PFAS Plumes

A client required assistance in determining the optimal locations to install monitoring wells for per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) plumes in groundwater. By observing the process used to define PFAS plumes in well-studied regions of the country, Cameron-Cole developed an iterative sampling and computer modeling approach that used knowledge of PFAS behavior to determine the best locations for the wells. Using existing PFAS knowledge instead of initiating an entirely new investigation saved the client tens of thousands of dollars and produced results much more quickly than the “step-out” process historically used to investigate plumes. This approach allowed for subsequent efforts in identifying potentially impacted third-party downgradient properties with concerns about PFAS plumes on their properties, as well as initiating dialogues to resolve concerns.

Based on Cameron-Cole's experience with this project site others across the U.S., it is expected that this innovative approach could have reduced the data collection time and expense by more than half.