RCRA Facility Investigation Industrial Facility


RCRA Facility Investigation Industrial Facility

Cameron-Cole staff conducted an RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) at a former industrial facility. The results of the RFI revealed a small Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) plume in groundwater and extensive, but heterogeneous lead contamination in surface soils. Synthetic Precipitation Leachate Procedure (SPLP) analysis of the lead in soils indicated a risk to groundwater and worker exposure, so the U.S. EPA Region VII required a site remediation. The lead in soil distribution defied traditional attempts at mapping hotspots to permit a targeted removal. As an alternative, a statistical analysis was developed, approved by the EPA, and implemented to assist with the delineation of lead impacted soils resulting in a significantly reduced volume of soil requiring remediation. Additionally, as an alternative to installing a traditional groundwater pump & treat system, a recovery system was installed with a permitted discharge to the municipal sanitary sewer system. The cost savings to the client through these innovative approaches were estimated at $2,000,000 in reduced off-site disposal and maintaining an active groundwater treatment system on-site.