Waste Recycling Facility Soil and Groundwater Characterization


Waste Recycling Facility Soil and Groundwater Characterization

A waste recycling company contracted with Cameron-Cole to integrate previous disparate interpretations of soil and groundwater study data into a conceptual model for a recycling plant. An explosion and fire at the facility resulted in a catastrophic release of chlorinated solvents at the site. Cameron-Cole developed the conceptual model that resolved a number of complex aspects of the site and guided a more focused approach for completing corrective actions. The conceptual model resolved Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL) distribution in multiple hydro-stratigraphic units, increased hydraulic conductivities with depth, fractured flow in bedrock, and orientations of fracturing allowing control of flow and its continuity across the site. Cameron-Cole was able to reevaluate the need for soil remediation at the site and redefine the groundwater remediation strategy. We were able to address state agency concerns about complex fracture flow in bedrock and develop a focused remedial strategy. Cameron-Cole completed the design, permitting, and construction of a hydraulic containment and treatment system for groundwater and DNAPL at the site. The careful reevaluation of existing hydrogeologic data and development of a detailed conceptual model for the site allowed the client to implement a less extravagant and less costly remedial strategy than originally proposed by a prior consultant.